Our Services

Business Networking

Our adaptation of a Samuel Johnson theme .We believe that there are three kinds of knowledge. We know the subject ourselves; We know where to find the information; We know someone who knows the previous two statements.

Tax compliance

We are registered as a Tax Practitioner with the South African Receiver of Revenue and a member in good standing with the South African Institute of Tax Professionals. This allows us to deal with registrations, submissions and queires of any tax matters our clients may have.

Accounting officer

As a member of the South African Institute of Business Accountants, we prepare annual financial statements for business that are owner managed and controlled. We are in the process of completing the requirements to complete Independent Review for companies with a Public Interest Score of less than 350 points.


We have had a range of experience in the BEE field since 2010. As a founding member of Khotso Verification Agency and in a key relationship with B-Wise, we have assited a number of clients in implementing their BEE stratergies. DIT(Divine Inspiration Trading) was a business incubator channeling BEE enterprise developement funding.

Finance department

Business have three funcions to master.

  • Make.
  • Sell.
  • Control - our outsourced offering to allow entreprenuers to do what they do best.


Web solutions, Email and Hosting

As part of the requirements from a number of clients we developed, hosted and created various web interface solutions that have enabled their business. There have been a number of simple solutions that have had a great impact on the business.